What you need to know when you ask us to go somewhere
This is our standard travel policy and it details how we recharge expenses and charge for time spent travelling.
We don’t charge for monthly meetings and project reviews. These are a scheduled part of your retainer fee.
If you ask us to travel somewhere in the UK on your behalf we usually drive (because of where we are located) or drive to a railway station and pick-up a train if you want us to go into London. We charge £0.45 per mile and/or rail fares (at cost). We will usually charge parking fees at cost.
If we need to stay overnight we would usually ask you to book and pay for a hotel. We won’t charge for meals unless we are entertaining on your behalf, in which case we’ll charge you at cost.
When we’re travelling in the UK, we don’t charge for travel time for the first 2-hours in each direction. Beyond that we charge at 50% of your agreed hourly rate (typically £75 per hour). So a journey of 120 miles taking 2-hours 30-minutes each way would cost £37.50 for time plus £108 expenses.

M11 Motorway – something we’re very familiar with.
If you ask us to travel abroad we will charge you at 50% of your agreed daily rate for all travelling time. We do not charge for ‘down time’ at hotels. We will charge you for airfares at cost and ask you to book and pay for a hotel if required. Our preferred departure airport is London Stanstead which is approximately 20 miles from our base.
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please call Chris Webb on 07432 189 149.